Friday 20 February 2009


‘Statins’ is the title of the talk to be given by Dr Richard Mejzner of the Budleigh Salterton Medical Centre on Wednesday 18 March. It follows the AGM of the Medical Centre Patient Group, which starts at 7.00 pm in the Public Hall.

Statins reduce the levels of what has become known as ‘bad cholesterol’ which can lead to the build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries and consequently to coronary heart disease. Research has shown that lowering blood cholesterol reduces one’s risk of heart disease and heart attacks. Picture credit:

The Patient Group welcomes new members. “If you are interested in joining please put a note into our mail box in the Medical Centre with your name and address and the name and address of another patient from the practice who would propose you,” says Group Secretary Angela Taylor.

Currently the Group has vacancies for new committee members following the retirement of two of the patient representatives who make up the seven-strong committee.

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