Thursday 29 January 2009

At the top of his tree

“Exmouth Road is lined with mature oaks, beech, holmoak, Monterey cypress, Scots pine and a variety of other evergreens, forming a wonderful canopy all the way into town,” says Budleigh’s Town Design Statement. “This wealth of mature trees is the result of thoughtful planting, pruning and preservation by generations of residents over the years.”

It sounds idyllic, but trees, like people, need care and attention. Neglected or in the wrong hands, they can be a dangerous liability resulting in often costly consequences for the owner.

Pictured left: Exmouth Road's wonderful tree canopy

Tree surgery, or arboriculture as it is properly known, is a specialist business requiring not only knowledge and skills but physical and mental stamina. “Climbing day in and day out for many hours a day, with a chainsaw hanging from your harness, in all conditions and weather is highly demanding,” says Steve Swift, a Starcross-based tree surgeon who has worked for Exmouth Road residents. This oak, right, is definitely not ok.

Experienced arborists know that it is also a risky business. The Health & Safety Executive announced in 2004 that tree surgery was currently the most dangerous occupation in the UK. Safety precautions, risk assessments, protective clothing, and comprehensive training are essential to minimise risk, but accidents do and can happen.
Steve Swift Tree Care is fully National Proficiency Tests Council (NPTC) qualified and is also fully insured up to £5,000,000 for any one accident.

There are safer and easier ways to earn money. But Steve enjoys his work. “I love caring for trees, and working outdoors. And the views can be spectacular,” he says.

Steve’s work has earned praise from customers in the Exmouth Road area, being described as “professional, and tidy, and comes at a good price.” He also sells logs.

Steve Swift is pictured with some of the equipment he uses in his work.

on 01626 890951 or 07786 685897

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